[электронный ресурс] // URL: https://www.academia.edu/3853286/_Mouseion_una_rivista_al_servizio_del_patrimonio_artistico_europeo_1927-1946_in_Annali_di_critica_d_arte_I_2005_pp._287-313 (дата обращения 31.03.2020)
Найдено: 2
This essay traces the earliest stages of the debate on folk art within the Institut International de Cooperation Intellectuelle (LoN). Archival sources (Unesco, fonds IICI) highlight the manifold conflicts that shaped the discourse on folklore, some of them due to the institutional diplomatic role of the League of Nations, to which the IICI had to be accountable. In particular, the documents relating to the organization of the first International Congress of Folk Art (Prague 1928) are here analyzed. The IICI chose to adopt the term “art populaire”, rather than speak of ethnology, ethnography or folklore, as these definitions inevitably implied notions of race, border, identity, and could incite rivalries and territorial claims. Therefore the Congress focused on museography; although a Commission Internationale des Arts Populaires existed within the IICI, the debate on “popular” culture was largely delegated to the Office International des Musées and to its journal Mouseion. By tracing the complex history of the Congress of Prague and the role played by the several nations and personalities that took part in it, an important element will be added to the overall framework of transnational museum policies during the interwar period.
[электронный ресурс] // URL: https://journals.openedition.org/rgi/1525 (дата обращения 31.03.2020)