30.01.2020 Обновленный календарь запущен в тестовом режиме
Наш календарь профессиональных событий — подробная и систематизированная подборка российских и международных мероприятий для музейных работников разного профиля и уровня профессиональной компетенции. В календаре представлены конференции, тренинги, онлайн и оффлайн семинары по музейному делу, музейному PR и администрированию, IT-технологиям. Тематика мероприятий постепенно расширяется.
Календарь регулярно обновляется. Внизу страницы расположена форма, с помощью которой вы можете предложить свое мероприятие.
Как пользоваться календарём:
Интерфейс и функционал календаря обновлен в январе 2020 года на средства, собранные в качестве подарка ко дню рождения Ани Михайловой. Благодарим каждого, кто внёс свой вклад в обновление календаря! Работы выполнены студией OneDesign.
Explore what it means to explicitly occupy museum spaces in social justice. How do museums safeguard themselves and others during this process? How does the institution change and respond to being part of social justice narratives? What does trust look like during this process? Our panel will share case studies on museums engaging with social justice through their collections and practice, aiming to create a space for sharing, rooted in care, emotion, and reflection.
Discover how museums can use the power of collections in advocacy, activism and co-production. Discover practical examples of museum engagement which act as an emotional encounter in service of social justice initiatives. At this study day we will explore the role of museums in terms of challenging inequality – the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within society – and how museums can exercise their power towards challenging the status quo.
Co-production and Social Justice in Museums
Study Day, 9 September 2025, London
Workshop leader: Jon Sleigh (he/him) is a learning officer, learning curator and author of the upcoming book What Are Museums For? (Bristol University Press, June 2024) Jon works freelance nationally as a specialist in fine art engagement with a diverse portfolio of arts institutions, museum and heritage sites across the UK. Clients include The National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, The National Archives, Historic Royal Palaces, Art Fund, V&A, Government Art Collection DCMS and the Arts Council Collection. Prior to this Jon worked for Birmingham Museums Trust / The Arts Collection in Round One of the acclaimed ACE National Partners Programme. Jon has built a strong reputation for innovation, applied ethics and delivery of projects reflecting inclusive futures. He has a passion for challenging and underrepresented narratives in art – co-producing with communities and bringing their lived experience to artworks for advocacy.
Book tickets: Click ‘Select options’ below to book your place on the study day. Tickets are available on a sliding scale from £177 – £137. Book with colleagues for multiple delegate discounts. Book your ticket online below or email info@museum-id.com if you prefer to be invoiced.
Источник https://museum-id.com/co-production-and-social-justice-in-museums/