30.01.2020 Обновленный календарь запущен в тестовом режиме
Наш календарь профессиональных событий — подробная и систематизированная подборка российских и международных мероприятий для музейных работников разного профиля и уровня профессиональной компетенции. В календаре представлены конференции, тренинги, онлайн и оффлайн семинары по музейному делу, музейному PR и администрированию, IT-технологиям. Тематика мероприятий постепенно расширяется.
Календарь регулярно обновляется. Внизу страницы расположена форма, с помощью которой вы можете предложить свое мероприятие.
Как пользоваться календарём:
Интерфейс и функционал календаря обновлен в январе 2020 года на средства, собранные в качестве подарка ко дню рождения Ани Михайловой. Благодарим каждого, кто внёс свой вклад в обновление календаря! Работы выполнены студией OneDesign.
Based on Stephen’s personal and professional experiences, consider several recommended steps for developing an empathic and effective approach to co-creation with communities in museums. In addition to sharing these insights, Stephen will also present a range of case studies and lead practice-based exercises. Participants will be invited to reflect on their current co-creation activities and aspirations while working in small groups in a conversational and comfortable setting.
Participate in practice-based exercises that will enhance your understanding of co-creation and how it can be approached in your own museum. Learn from and be inspired by a selection of case studies that highlight various co-creation approaches and the lessons that can be drawn from them. Reflect on your ongoing co-creation plans and projects in supportive surroundings. Develop ideas for approaching your own co-creation projects at your museum.
The Co-created Museum: co-creating with communities
Study Day, 15 April 2025, London
Workshop leader: Stephen Welsh (he/him) is a cultural practitioner with over 15 years of experience developing and delivering a wide range of arts, culture and heritage projects. From 2007 to 2020, he was the Curator of Living Cultures and Acting Deputy Head of Collections at Manchester Museum, part of The University of Manchester. Prior to this, he was Project Curator at the International Slavery Museum, National Museum Liverpool. He has been a member of the National Lottery Heritage Fund North committee since 2016. He has also served on boards and committees for the Royal Northern College of Music Collection of Historic Instruments, the Islamic Art and Material Culture Subject Specialist Network and Homotopia. To learn more about his practice, visit his website, stxwelsh.com.
Book tickets: Click ‘Select options’ below to book your place on the study day. Tickets are available on a sliding scale from £137 – £177. Book with colleagues for multiple delegate discounts. Book your ticket online below or email info@museum-id.com if you prefer to be invoiced.