30.01.2020 Обновленный календарь запущен в тестовом режиме
Наш календарь профессиональных событий — подробная и систематизированная подборка российских и международных мероприятий для музейных работников разного профиля и уровня профессиональной компетенции. В календаре представлены конференции, тренинги, онлайн и оффлайн семинары по музейному делу, музейному PR и администрированию, IT-технологиям. Тематика мероприятий постепенно расширяется.
Календарь регулярно обновляется. Внизу страницы расположена форма, с помощью которой вы можете предложить свое мероприятие.
Как пользоваться календарём:
Интерфейс и функционал календаря обновлен в январе 2020 года на средства, собранные в качестве подарка ко дню рождения Ани Михайловой. Благодарим каждого, кто внёс свой вклад в обновление календаря! Работы выполнены студией OneDesign.
At this study day you will consider how youth voices can be accurately represented in museums, particularly if they come from marginalised and underserved backgrounds, and how this representation might change your organisation or practice from within. There will be the opportunity to learn from examples of best practice in youth engagement and examine how you design programmes and build long-term relations with young people as equal partners.
Engage with Practical Exercises: Engage in practice-based exercises that will help solidify your understanding of youth engagement and how it can be approached in your own museum.
Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Gain inspiration and understanding from a variety of case studies showcasing a range of youth engagement projects and the lessons learned from them.
Reflect and Collaborate: Work in small, supportive groups to reflect on your youth engagement ideas and activities. This conversational and relaxed setting encourages open discussion and peer learning.
Actionable Next Steps: Leave with a clear ideas to help you approach your own youth engagement projects in your museum.
Places on this study day are limited to help create the most engaging and productive learning experience for participants.
Transforming Youth Engagement in Your Museum
Study Day, 28 January 2025, London
Workshop leader: Dhiyandra Natalegawa is an Indonesian Creative Educator and Producer born and raised in Brent, London. Throughout the last decade, she has devoted herself to the practice of Art Education as a vehicle for social change. She has been committed to designing, facilitating, and producing programmes that can raise the aspirations, creative confidence, and inclusive experience of underserved communities. In 2021, after securing Art Council England’s ‘Develop Your Creative Practice Arts’ grant she focused on developing alternative ways to ethically design community art projects/programmes through collaboration. This development period created a blueprint from which she developed creative programmes with young people, families, and schools with organisations such as Somerset House, Art Night, Artangel, and the Museum of London. She is currently a Programme Producer in the Learning and Digital team at the V&A.
Источник https://museum-id.com/transforming-youth-engagement-in-museums/